First, if you sent me an email yesterday (1/28/11) I probably didn't get it. Please resend it. Technical difficulties may push me over the edge one day.
Now, I apologize for not keeping in touch. I did not realize how long it had been since I last wrote. Somehow the holidays got in my way, then I started sorting through the files for tax season. After that I was dealing with my elderly dog and eventually had to put him to sleep. I just couldn't seem to pull anything together to talk about.
Better late than never, I am getting myself back on track. I'm trying to finish up the taxes so I can finish up the FAFSA form so kid #1 can go to college. I have my goals set for this year. Those include getting a new computer (so hopefully I won't have so many technical difficulties) and getting a website up and going.
I am trying very hard not to let the busy work and daily distractions keep me from the top priorities. This includes my ignoring the fact that my new puppy is at this moment destroying a pillow. If any of you have your shredder die please let me know. I will rent out Kato Puppy - Super Shredder. No electricity needed, just snacks. He is VERY efficient. I am so glad that you all can't webcam my office right now. Looks like snow in here.

Wishing you all a wonderful and prosperous New Year.
Talk to you next week,