Hi Everyone,
No, I did not take the summer off and spend it hanging out on the beach. I wish! I did manage to work in about 2 days of sun and surf. That's all.
My summer has flown by. It was busy, busy, busy. July and August are normally slow months in my business. I guess since nothing is normal anymore I shouldn't have been surprised that I was slammed with work. Now, I'm not complaining by any means. I am extremely thankful to have work coming in!
As August is ending, I realized that in one month I will have been in business for one year already. Where does the time go? It has been exciting and scary, but the pieces have fallen into place much easier that I ever imagined. Thanks again (I can't tell you enough) for all of your support.
In celebration of my upcoming anniversary, I finally squeezed out some time to design myself a logo and make a slight name change. Since I sort of fell into this I just used the existing name "Bloomtown Studio" that I had in place for my artwork. Over this year, many people have asked me about the company name and what I do. It's a great conversation starter, but not very clear. So, below is the new "BTS Print and Design". It's a "division" of Bloomtown Studio. In other words, I don't want to deal with getting a new tax number!

It's just my way of a celebration! I have found that I love doing this and hope to do it for a long time and will be sending or dropping off new business cards soon. All my contact info stays the same. It was time to commit to the long haul.
Now that school is back in session and my schedule more predictable I plan on sending out more blogs for your amusement (I hope) and am working on a Facebook page.
Hope all of you are doing well. Thanks for your continued trust and support.
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